Chapter 25


We had made great progress with teaching Greta and Gabby their skills. They both knew how to speak, walk and were well on their way to be potty trained. They also helped keep us busy while waiting for the results of the DNA test.

And the results came on a sunny day after what seemed like a year of waiting. Pearl called us to meet her and Austin outside the diner, saying she had the results. I found this a bit odd and called the Hospital, with Gil’s authorization and found out the results she had are accurate and I could call back later to make sure she was telling the truth.


“Well Gilberto. Turns out Austin isn’t your son.” Pearl told us. While I was pretty happy about that fact, a small part of me did feel bad for Austin. His Mother had put him through a lot just because she couldn’t stay faithful to her fiance before she married him. I did hope, for his sake only, that he did find his Father someday.

“I hope you find Austin’s Dad for him.” Gil told Pearl. Austin seemed to be trying to find something to do off to the side. Pearl took Austin and told us she was going with him back to Sunlit Tides. She had one more guy to try to see if he was Austin’s Father.


After Pearl left, Gil called the Hospital to make sure the results Pearl gave us were accurate. They were. Gil and I hugged in celebration after hearing the news. We would have made Austin a part of our family, but it would be nice not having Pearl around. I had a feeling she would have stirred up trouble if she had stayed in town.

Soon Fall set in upon Sunset Valley. The air was cooler and the leaves on trees were turning pretty reds and golds, before falling to the ground and painting the ground with their colors.


One afternoon while Gavin was at school, I was in the backyard with Gil. He was raking up some leaves and I was talking to him about  some plans for Halloween for Gavin. I wasn’t too fond of that day, due to what happened with Lane. But I wanted Gavin to have a good time that night. Soon though I felt something rubbing on my leg. I looked down to see a stray cat. I talked to her and eventually picked her up.

“Aren’t you a pretty thing?” I asked the kitty as she purred.

“We have another cat, don’t we?” Gil asked, while still raking leaves.

I laughed. “If we find out she don’t have owners..yes.” I replied. I was sucker for animals and I knew I had passed that on to Gavin. I did keep my word though and made flyers for kitty. Gil helped me post them around town, just like we did for Garfield.


Of course, Gavin loved the kitty the moment he saw her and asked if we could keep her. Gil explained what we were doing.

“You’re so cute Misty, yes you are.” Gavin said, making kissy faces at Misty. That’s what he decided to call her. And it turns out no one showed up to claim Misty. So we had a new addition to the family. That moved us to three kids, one dog and three cats. But Misty is now our only female pet. Good thing Garfield and Jer are fixed.


Have I mentioned how much Gavin helped out with the twins? It was so adorable too.

“Here you go Greta. Drink it slowly or you’ll hurl.” I heard Gavin telling Greta. Sound advice he was giving to his baby sister.


I was sitting out back one afternoon, enjoying some peace and quiet when Judy came over from next door and sat down beside me.

“I’m not sure how to ask this…” Judy said to me.

“What is it?” I asked her. I would be happy to help her if I could.

“Lisa and Conrad want to get a place together and that would leave me in that big old house by myself, since obviously they’ll be taking Jessica with them. So I’m going to sell the house, but I need a place to stay until I find a new home that’s smaller. Darlene doesn’t have any room since she lives with the Langerak’s and Ethan and Arlo don’t have any room either.” Judy explained. I could see where this was going and I wasn’t upset. I was happy with the idea.

“I’ll talk to Gil.” I told her, smiling. I had a feeling Gil would say yes and we did have the spare room available.

“Thanks, Lotta.” Judy said, smiling back at me.



I started, approaching him. I was using my sweetest tone with him.

“”Yes?” Gil replied.

“I was talking with Judy today and she was telling me that Lisa and Conrad are getting a place of their own. So she would be all alone in that big old house. That’s why Judy has decided to sell it. But you see she needs a place to stay until she finds a new home for herself that’s smaller and we do have that spare room…” I told Gil.

“It’s fine with me if she stays here. I think the kids would love having her around and I know you would too.” Gil told me. I was happy with his response. I gave him a kiss and went off to call Judy with the news.


We saved Judy staying with us as a surprise for Gavin though. He was so happy about it.

Judy offered to help me clean the house, since she was a bit of a neat freak. I told her she didn’t have too, but she insisted. I had to admit, it was nice having her help with it. Judy also helped us with the twins.


Gil picked up three pumpkins from the Grocery Store  so we could carve them for the front yard. I really enjoyed sitting down with my boys and carving pumpkins. It was a nice family moment.


I carved a cat face on mine, Gavin went with a silly face and Gil went with the traditional look.


The weekend after Judy moved in all of us, including the twins, met with Lisa, Conrad and Jessica at the Fall Festival. Lisa challenge Gil and I to a pie eating contest. Gil won the contest and a free key lime pie to take home.


Conrad challenged myself, Judy and Gil to an apple bobbing contest as Gavin looked on. Gil won that as well.


Before we headed for home, Gavin insisted on going through the Haunted House. I remembered when Gavin was a toddler and I stood outside the Haunted House with him, after I dared Gil to go through it. It didn’t seem like that long ago.


Gil and I followed Gavin into the Haunted House. I tried not to laugh as I went through it, it was kind of funny. A former ghost going through a “Haunted House”. We all made it out okay and no one wet themselves.


Halloween or Spooky Day as some call it, soon came. Gil and I decided not to dress up, but Gil took Gavin out trick or treating. Gavin choose to dress up as a Gladiator and got tons of candy that night. Of course he wasn’t allowed to eat it all in one night. No we made him space it out and he also shared it with us and Judy.


Gavin had started going to an after school activity for boy scouts three times a week. He was making a lot of friends and learning useful skills. He had even earned some badges and enjoyed showing them off to anyone he could.


One night Gavin was having a hard time falling asleep and asked me to read him a story. I thought back to how I used to read to him when he was younger. Gavin had grown so much and I knew he wasn’t finished growing. On one hand I was proud to watch my son grow, but on the other I was sad. One day I wouldn’t be able to pick him up and hold him anymore. It was already hard to do so anymore.


Gavin eventually fell asleep and I kissed my little boy goodnight, before heading to bed myself since Gil was handling the twins’ bedtime that night.

Before we knew it was time for Thanksgiving and we decided to throw a feast party. We had recently had some of our Kitchen redone. Some of the appliances needed replaced, so we decided to go ahead and change a few things.


Gil and I stayed up the night before so he could make a pumpkin pie. He had been working on perfecting it. I made us some coffee to help us stay up. Technically I didn’t have to stay up, but I wanted to spend that time with him.


The next day the guests arrived around noon. We supplied the Pumpkin Pie, but Queenie supplied the turkey. Other guests brought things such as Mac N Cheese, Cookies and Fish and Chips.


All the Bunch’s were invited, along with Blair’s and Queenie’s families. It was nice to sit down with them all and catch up with each other.


Though I’m starting to see I don’t have quiet enough room in the Kitchen for these parties. But people didn’t seem to mind taking turns at getting to sit down and eat. That gave people a chance to talk elsewhere and catch up.


Speaking of people talking elsewhere, I overheard Gavin complimenting Queenie’s dress as I was headed to pick up Greta to change her diaper. I’m getting the feeling that my son is going to inherit his Father’s charm when it comes to the ladies.


Later on after everyone left, I mixed up some baby food with some pumpkin pie that was left over so Greta and Gabby could enjoy some Thanksgiving food too.

18 thoughts on “Chapter 25

  1. mosneakers says:

    awww so sweet! Those kids are so adorable Dx

  2. lisa0821 says:

    Awww! I loved this chapter and seeing the little ones getting so big. Yay! for the DNA test results =)

  3. selahgio says:

    Oh I’m so glaaaaaaaaaaaaaad Gil isn’t the father of Austin. And Pearl is kinda pretty even though she’s a major sludge.

  4. AutumnStark says:

    Whoaaaaaaa! I legit thought Austin was going to be Gil’s son. And I was all ‘HOW IS THIS GONNA AFFECT THINGS!?!!” I’m glad they’re all one big happy family again :’)

  5. Yay! I’m glad that Austin didn’t turn out to be Gil’s son. That Peal is such a ho. She slept around and can’t figure out the father of her child now! *shakes head* Aw, I love that Judy moved in with them. Love the happy moments and love Misty. She’s a cutie too!

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