Chapter 24


Soon after the twin’s Birthday, Gil and I started on teaching them their three important skills. Talking, walking and potty training. As with Gavin, Gil filmed some of me teaching Greta to talk. He planned to do the same with Gabby.


Gavin really loved his little sisters. Often I would find him playing peek-a-boo with them. He would even help us feed them by giving them the bottles we had prepared. I was so proud of my little boy.


While things were going well with the kids, lately I had noticed that Gil was becoming distracted and a bit secretive. He was getting phone calls that he didn’t seem to want to take around us.  Part of me rationed that maybe he was planning a surprise for one of us and didn’t want it to be spoiled. But the other part was worried. This wasn’t like him to act like this. Hundreds of ideas for his behavior swirled around in my mind and most of them weren’t good.


Not to say that Gil was always distracted. He still spent time with the children and didn’t really treat me different either. I would often find him out in the backyard playing dominoes with Gavin during the evening. But something inside was telling me something was wrong.

And it’s always a good idea to listen to your instincts. Mine had been especially strong my second go around at life.


One day while Gil was out with Gavin at the park, there was a knock at the front door. I stepped outside to see a woman and a young man in my yard.

“Hi..I know you don’t know me. But my name is Pearl Yang and this is my son, Austin.” Pearl started.

“Hello.” I said, trying to be nice. I had a bad feeling about this though.

“I knew your husband, Gilberto, back when he lived in Sunlit Tides. We were really good friends.” Pearl added on.

“That’s cool.” I responded. Not really sure how to respond. I had a feeling how good of a friends they were though. She didn’t really need to say it.

“I’m sorry to just show up like this, but I thought you should know some things.” Pearl told me. I sighed. Yep, this was not going to be good.

I ended up inviting Pearl and Austin in. I didn’t want to be outside away from the twins for long.


Pearl and I headed into the Kitchen to sit down to talk, after I told Austin he could play with our video game system.

“I’m not sure how much Gilberto has told you, but I’m here because…well Austin might be Gilberto’s son.” Pearl explained. I just stared at Pearl. Gil hadn’t told me anything. So this had to be what he was keeping from me. I was livid and a bit worried, but didn’t show it.

“If Austin is Gil’s son, why haven’t you come forward about this sooner, Pearl?” I asked her. I was very angry with Gil, but if this Pearl was trying to pull a fast one on my family. She had another thing coming.

“I thought my soon to be ex-husband, Ricardo, was Austin’s Father. But about four months ago we were all being checked for bone marrow for a sick family member and the Doctor noticed that Austin’s blood type doesn’t match Ricardo’s or mine. We did a DNA test just to be sure and Austin isn’t Ricardo’s. ” Pearl explained. I’d like to see these results myself.

“I see.” I replied.

“Gilberto and I had a one night stand before I married Ricardo…so I think Austin is his son and you have to admit, Austin kind of looks like Gilberto.” Pearl told me. I wanted to scream at her, but didn’t. And while I didn’t want to agree with her, I could see a few features on Austin that reminded me of Gil.


I was going to say more to Pearl, but Gil arrived home with Gavin. Gavin went to his room and Gil came into the Kitchen, looking angry and like a deer caught in the headlights.

“Pearl, what are you doing here?” Gil questioned. I simply stared a hole through Gil and watched him squirm under my stare.

“I know you aren’t going to be happy about this, but we really need to get the DNA test done. If Austin isn’t your’s, I want to get him back to Sunlit Tides before the school year starts. ” Pearl told Gil.

“I told you I’d do it, Pearl. You didn’t need to come to my home and speak to my wife.” Gil told her. I felt my fists clench at my side. If Pearl hadn’t come here and told me, would Gil have let me in on all of this? I was beginning to wonder.


Austin came into the Kitchen and told his Mom was he was getting really hungry, though seemed stunned to see Gil. I was getting the feeling that Austin hadn’t seen Gil in person before.

“’re Gilberto Gonzalo?” Austin asked Gil, as we stepped out into the Living Room.

“Yeah..that’s me. And you’re Austin…umm nice to meet you.” Gil said to Austin. I decided to find the paintings on my wall very interesting at that moment. I did feel bad for Austin. He thought one man was his Father for so long only to find out he isn’t? That had to be hard.

Austin and Gil’s awkward conversation continued for a few more minutes before Pearl left with Austin to go out to eat. I checked on the kids, before pulling Gil into the spare room.


“How could you not tell me about this?!” I yelled. I hoped Gavin didn’t hear us, but it was hard to hold in my rage any longer. This wasn’t like Gil had kept from me that he had changed our insurance company on me, this was something that could affect our family for years to come.

“Lotta.” Gil started, but I cut him off.

“I had to find out from her! If she hadn’t told me, would you ever have?! Even if Austin turns out to be your’s, would you have told me?! ” I demanded to know. I had to know.

“I was hoping to put off telling you until after the DNA test.” Gil replied. I growled under my breath.

“How long have you known about all of this?” I asked him. Gil sighed.


“Since the start of Summer. Pearl called me and had me meet her in the park. She then explained about the testing and how she thinks Austin is my son.” Gil replied.

“Since the start of summer?!” I yelled, it was getting close to Fall now.


“I’m sorry Lotta. I’m really sorry. I knew this would upset you and I just wanted to spare you the upset until I knew for sure. But I would have told you once the results were in. I promise I would have. Please, please understand.” Gil pleaded.


I held up my hands and shook my head.

“I can kind of get what you were trying to do, but then again. I don’t. We’re married. We’re suppose to be honest with each other. If I can tell you my deepest and darkest secret, then you should be able to tell me about this. I’m very angry with you right now, Gilberto. I love you, but right now I just want to scream at you.” I told him.

I watched Gil’s shoulders sag and he looked defeated. That night we waited until Gavin went to bed before I sent Gil to sleep in the spare room. I had a bed put in there for guests. Looks like it was going to be Gil’s bed for a while.


After Pearl’s visit, I did my best to keep things normal around the house, as did Gil. We had to figure out a way to tell Gavin about all of this. And while we figured that out, I worked on teaching Gabby how to talk. I didn’t fight Gil filming it either, since we were doing these memories for the kids and despite any problems we were having, we couldn’t let our issues get in the way of what’s best for our children.


We did eventually explain to Gavin what was doing on. He was confused, but handled it better than I did. Gavin insisted on meeting Austin, just in case they are half brothers. I agreed to it as long as I was there. So one Saturday afternoon we took Gavin to meet Austin at one of the local fishing spots. Gavin and Austin seemed to hit it off well as Gil kept an eye on them.


Pearl asked to speak with me while Gavin and Austin chatted with each other.

“I just wanted to thank you for being civil with my son. I know this can’t be easy for you and I really appreciate how you’re handling this when it comes to him.” Pearl told me, smiling.

“Hopefully someday we can even be friends if we both end up having kids by Gilberto.” Pearl added on.


“Look Pearl. I’m being nice to Austin because he’s innocent in all of this. Taking my anger out on him would make me lower than dirt. If Austin is Gil’s son, I will support their relationship. But, make no mistake about it. That is not an invite for you to make yourself at home or help yourself to my husband. You touch him and I’ll rip our your fake hair and claw out your eyes. So no, we will not be friends.” I told her. I didn’t trust her. Not one little bit.

Pearl huffed, got Austin and stormed off. I shrugged. I meant everything I said.


Later on that night I attended a pool party being thrown at the Goth Manor by the newly married Mortimer and Bella Goth. I sat down with Queenie in the Living Room, filling her in about what had been going on.

“I have to admit, it felt good telling Pearl off. She hasn’t been throwing herself at Gil or anything, but something tells me she would if she ever has  the chance.” I told Queenie.  I had also told Judy about what was going on over the phone. Judy wasn’t too happy with Gil either.


“I think you did the right thing. I don’t have a good feeling about this Pearl. She’s acting all innocent and sweet, but I think if she got a chance she’d swoop in and try to use Austin to get her hooks into your husband. If she wasn’t up to something, she wouldn’t have brought Austin over to your place like she did.” Queenie told me. Now that I thought about it, she had a good point.

“Keep an eye on her. And if you need any backup, I know a bunch of wrestling moves.” Queenie said, only half-joking.

I left the Goth Manor feeling a bit better. It was nice to know that I wasn’t the only one who thought Pearl was up to something.


The next day we all went to the Hospital and the DNA test was performed. We would have the results in a few days.


While we waited for the results Gil and I agreed to take the kids to the Summer Festival before it shut down for the season. I wasn’t too keen on being near Gil most of the time and I think it was starting to become obvious to everyone. I wanted Gavin to have some fun though and did my best not to be stand offish with Gil around the kids.


“Gavin looks like he’s having fun.” Gil commented.

“Yes he does.” I replied, adjusting Gabby on my hip.

“Lotta…I really am sorry. I should have told you after Pearl called me the first time. I was just…worried. I don’t want to lose you or our family.” Gil told me.

“We really shouldn’t talk about this here.” I told him. Gil sighed, but nodded.


“Look at the way the girls look at each other.” Gil commented, changing the subject.

“I know, they’re really attached to each other.” I replied, smiling a bit. I did make me happy to see the way Gil looks at our children, with such love in his eyes. I know that no matter what happens with us, Gil would always be there for the kids.

Eventually we headed home after Gavin got his face painted.


The next day when I was sitting outside after a work out, Gil approached me and sat down beside me.

“I know you’re still pretty mad at me and have every right to be. I know keeping what I did from you was wrong…I want a chance to try to make it up to you. The question is, will you let me have that chance?” Gil asked me.  I thought about it for a bit.

“Okay.” I replied simply. Gil smiled and told me he’d make plans for Judy and Lisa to watch the twins and Gavin, since we no longer trust babysitters from agencies.

That night I got dressed up, as Gil requested and he blind folded me. Just like he did after our Wedding. We got in his SUV and he drove us to our destination.


He took me to the Church we got married in.

“What are we doing here, Gil? You aren’t suggesting we renew our vows or something, are you? Because I’m not up for that.” I told him.

Gil held up his hand and shook his head.

“No, nothing like that. I just wanted to remind you of the day we got married.” Gil told me.


Gil took my hands into his.

“I remember our Wedding Day clearly. The vows we said to each other. The love I felt that day for you…I know what I did was wrong and I should have told you. Not only did you deserve to know, but I needed your support. I might have dealt with it better. I was so shocked to find out I might have another child.I didn’t know how to process it…I know I didn’t handle it the right way…I’m sorry, Lotta. I love you, even more than I did the day we got married years ago.” Gil told me.

I sighed. I could tell he was sorry, but I was still mad that he kept it all from me.


After our conversation at the altar, I let Gil take me downstairs to where we had our Wedding reception. Gil asked if I would allow him to dance with me. I wasn’t sure about dancing with him at first, but finally caved.


Dancing with Gil down in that Church basement brought back our first dance at husband and wife for me. We were so happy and in love that day. I had a feeling I was going to forgive Gil. Not only for us, but for our children and especially for me. While I was hurt he didn’t tell me, I couldn’t picture my life without Gil. I didn’t want to lose him. But I planned to make him work for it a bit more. I knew he had other things planned and I wanted to see those other things.


After that we left the Church, minus the blind fold this time. Gil took me to Bump It. We hadn’t been there in years. But I knew why he brought me there, we used to have a lot of fun on dates at Bump It. We had a late dinner of spicy chicken wings.


After dinner we enjoyed some nectar. We didn’t really speak to each other there, I think Gil was trying to give me time to process what he had said at the Church.


Our last stop was the resort Gil had taken me to for my the Birthday. The Birthday were we conceived our twins. We relaxed in the hot tub and I finally told Gil that I forgive him. But I warned him not to keep things from me like that ever again. Gil agreed and we sealed the night with a make out session in the hot tub.


Things got back to normal around the house after that as we waited for the DNA test results. Gil helped me teach the twins how to walk . No matter the results, I was determined that we remain together as a family. And if Austin did end up being Gil’s son, then I would welcome him into the family. Just not his Mother.


Small note ~ Pearl Yang is a real sim for Sunlit Tides and she does have ties with Gil. Ricardo Gregario is also a real sim for Sunlit Tides. So if you want to go read their bios, it will explain more of how they tie in with Gil. But it really isn’t necessary for the story. xD.

Chapter 23


It took me a few weeks after the twins were born for it to really sink in that Gil and I actually had twins. I think if we had know about it beforehand, it wouldn’t have taken as much time to sink in.  Gavin was stunned as well, but seemed to adjust to it faster than we did.  He didn’t seem to mind having two baby sisters at all and bragged about it to everyone who came over to the house. Our friends showered the twins with gifts, which was fine with me. Free stuff is wonderful.


Gil and I purchased another rocking chair so we could both rock our daughters. We liked sitting down together and rocking them at the same time. It gave us time to bond with the twins and talk with one another. With twins, a child and three pets it was hard to find time to simply talk with one another sometimes. But we were all happy.


Gavin had become interested in donating to charity. Gil and I encouraged this interest, it’s always good to give back if you can. We sat down one afternoon and went over several charities with Gavin and he picked a few that he wanted to donate to. Gil and I were proud of our son for wanting to do such a thing and that he came up with it on his own. It made me feel that Gil and I were doing a good job with Gavin as parents.


I thought sleep was hard when we had Gavin as a baby, but with twins sleep was almost a memory. I was lucky though that Gil wasn’t one of those husbands that told me to go get the kid and kept on sleeping. He helped with Greta and Gabrielle, or Gabby, as we had started calling her, as much as he did with Gavin.


I’m starting to think that Gavin might pursue a career as an astronaut someday. He has interests in planes and outer space. And was always asking Jack about this time in the military. Jack even took him on a tour of the military base one day. I caught Gavin dressing up as an astronaut on more than one occasion. If that’s what he wanted to do when he’s older, Gil and I will support him. But he’s still a child, so time will tell.


Summer soon came into full swing and one afternoon while the twins were napping, I relaxed in one of the lounge chairs while Gavin and Gil swam in the pool. They had fun splashing each other and swimming around. I wanted to join, but instead ended up falling asleep for a short nap.


After awhile though, things became routine, for the most part with the twins and they started sleeping a bit better. Which meant Gil and I could sleep a bit better. Though the lack of sleep was worth it regardless. I loved spending time with my girls.


Gil and I started taking Greta and Gabby out on walks, mostly to the park. They both seemed to really enjoy it and we enjoyed it as well.


Gavin started making use of my long abandoned art easel in the backyard. He was already better at painting then me.  Most of the time when Gil and I didn’t see Gavin in the house he was either in the sandbox or at the art easel.


Gil’s favorite thing to do with the twins quickly became bath time. He told me he enjoyed watching their faces during it and hearing their giggles.


One morning we went into Gavin’s room because we heard him laughing. I stood back as Gil walked over to Gavin and someone else’s dog. Yes, Gavin had invited someone else’s dog into our home. Turns out the dog belonged to Malcolm Landgraab and his wife Candy and their daughter, who lived just down the road from us.

“Gavin…” Gil started while our son was busy rubbing the dog’s tummy.

“Dad….” Gavin replied, while still rubbing the dog’s tummy.


“I know you love animals, I do too. But that dog belongs to Malcolm and Candy Landgraab. You can’t just bring it in here and keep it. No matter how cute or fluffy it is.” Gil told Gavin.

I watched my husband and son, as well as the Landgraab’s dog rolling around on the floor. It seemed to be having the time of its life.


“I know it belongs to someone else, but c’mon Dad! It was just sitting at our front door! Obviously it wants to be with us.” Gavin reasoned. Maybe Gavin could be a Lawyer someday?

“I’m sorry but I have to call Malcolm and let him know the dog is here. If it was a stray, it might be another story. But I’m sure the Landgraab’s little girl will want their dog back.” Gil told Gavin.

Gavin sighed and didn’t put up a fight after that. Candy came and got the dog, apologizing for any inconvenience. I just found it adorable that Gavin wanted to take in any animal he felt needed him.


One evening as I was getting ready to go change Greta, the phone rang. It was Lisa. She was calling to tell me that Jack was telling the family his time was coming to an end and that she thought we should know so we can say our goodbyes. I was stunned as I hung up the phone. I knew Jack was getting old, but sometimes you just think someone is going to live forever. Even if it’s not logical and even if you’ve died yourself before. Some people just seem larger and life. Invincible.


After the twins were down for the next few hours, Gil noticed I was upset. He hugged me and asked me what was wrong. I explained about Jack while trying not to cry. Gil told me I needed to say goodbye for my own piece of mind and that Gavin needed to as well. Jack had been pretty much a Grandfather to him.

I went into Gavin’s room after that and had a chat with him I didn’t want to have. Gavin was sad about Jack, but didn’t want to say goodbye in person. Instead the next morning he called Jack on the phone and they talked a bit and said see you later, instead of goodbye. I could understand why Gavin didn’t want to see Jack in person. He wanted to remember the good times and not think of something sad.


I did go over to see Jack however. He sat on the couch between Lisa and I.  He looked tired, but happy to be around his family.

“I just want you to know that I’m glad that you, Gilberto, Gavin and the twins have been a part of my life.  I’m not a mushy guy. But I love you all.” Jack told me simply. It meant a lot to hear that from him.  I told him I loved him too and we chatted a little longer. After a bit, I hugged him goodbye before I talked with Lisa and Judy awhile. I told them if they needed anything to let us know.


After nine that evening I got the call from Lisa that Jack had passed on in his sleep. I was heartbroken. Jack was the closest thing I had ever had to a Father and it made me sad that he wouldn’t be around for the twins as they grew or Gavin. But I felt even worse for Judy and her kids. Conrad was a young man now, but little Jessica would be growing up with her Grandfather.

As per Jack’s request, a service was not held. He didn’t want any tearful goodbyes or people standing around his coffin and weeping. Instead he was quietly entered into the family’s graveyard. I planned to visit his grave someday when I felt up to it. If I ever felt up to it. I was glad Jack had a full long life at least, filled with marriage, love, children and grandchildren.


In an attempt to cheer me up, Gil took me to the Summer Festival the next day. Just the two of us. Queenie and Jeremy watched the twins and Gavin for us. It took me mind off things for a little while. We went skating and played a few games while there.


Once home Gil grilled out for us and we ate out back. Someone’s dog showed up while we were eating, I was starting to think we might be a magnetic for animals and pets.


Gil and I purchased a swing set for the kids. Three seats, that way when the twins got older they could join Gavin on the swing set. Gavin seemed to really enjoy the new swing set. I think it added to his want to fly, because he kept trying to go as high as he could possibly go.

Time passed by and we all healed, for the most part, from Jack’s passing. And before we knew it, a special day arrived.

The twins Birthday. We celebrated it alone with the twins, Gavin and the pets.



Gil insisted on doing the honors with both girls and I let him. I did get to hold Gavin during his first Birthday, so I found it only fair.


Greta has Gil’s hair and eye color. She also has my skin, but I think it also a nice blend of us both.


Gabby got my hair color. I had a feeling she might, since she ended up with Gil’s skin and eye color.


That day also marked Garfield’s Birthday. He is now an elder kitty. I can still remember the day I found him out in my yard and took him in. It’s hard to believe and Duke are getting old.